Sloppy Joes Recipe
“Eating in” is a piece of cake with this simple, easy and fast sloppy joes recipe.
In it, your host Bev Maurer will show you how to create your own “Manwich” style mix which tastes better, has far fewer preservatives
…plus it is a great way to save money!
This video is loaded with great time saving ideas and product as well.
>> Watch the video for all of Bev’s tips and tricks when making this favorite.
Sloppy Joe Recipe
Part 1
Sloppy joe sauce (better than Manwich in the can and cheaper).
- 1/2 cp finely chopped onion.
- 1/2 cp. finely chopped green pepper
- 1/2 cp. finely chopped celery
- 1/4 cp finely chopped carrot
- 3 tsp. white vinegar
- 3 tsp. yellow mustard
- 2 1/2 tsp. brown sugar
- 1 tbs. Worcestershire sauce
- 1 tsp. garlic powder
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 2 cans tomato paste
- about cp water
- sauté onion, green peppers, celery and carrots
- add the remaining ingredients and water– simmer for abo 1/2 hour
This will make about 2 cps. sauce depending on how thick you want it.
Part 2
Sloppy Joes
- 4-6 burger buns
- 1 1/2 lb. cooked ground beef broken into small chunks
- 1 cp Sloppy joe sauce
- simmer ground beef and sauce for 20 min. and serve on the buns. I always put sweet pickle relish on the table as well as potato chips.
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Homemade Sloppy Joes Recipe Video Audio Transcript
00:00:10:49 – 00:00:35:02
Speaker 1
Now we are going to make our taco since we already even made our homemade taco seasoning. So what I have in this pot is my ground beef, okay? And I’m using my meat masher, which I love. This thing. I make it. You can mash up your beef. And it’s very simple to use. So you can make it as fine or as course as you want.
00:00:35:24 – 00:01:09:44
Speaker 1
Now, I’m going to put my seasoning in place. However, I’m going to do a little bit of cornstarch in it. So it’s not so juicy because I don’t know about you, but I don’t like runny tacos. We’re going to do probably maybe I say maybe a half a teaspoon. Yeah, a half a teaspoon should do it. Which is that one right here.
00:01:10:43 – 00:01:19:34
Speaker 1
So we’re going to put that in with the taco seasoning as well.
00:01:23:47 – 00:01:32:09
Speaker 1
And then we’re going to shake it again. It gets mixed all around and doesn’t come out in lumps.
00:01:36:39 – 00:02:42:38
Speaker 1
I get a little wood spoon. I love these little guys. They’re perfect for a little pot like this. Wood spoons. I have a variety of wood spoons, all different sizes, length. But the size is perfect for these little pots. So now I’m going to put taco seasoning and the whole thing and stir it around really well. Turn my heat down to the lowest setting and let it simmer for a bit so the flavors go through and I put my lid on the stove is a little touchy.
00:02:43:23 – 00:03:17:09
Speaker 1
I think you have it on low and still boiling. So I’ve got to be very careful. Anyway, so I just let that simmer for a while. While it’s simmering, I’ll assemble my ingredients, my toppings, have onion and chopped onion, which I chopped it earlier. I like my a little finer than some people now. I chop my onions ahead of time, okay?
00:03:17:22 – 00:03:39:17
Speaker 1
And I use this. I call this my best friend. Okay. I would not be without one of these. You can use this and make as fine or as coarse as you want your onions. You just plug it in, put your your onion chunks in there and turn it on and voila. So that’s all there is to that. Yeah.
00:03:39:17 – 00:04:18:33
Speaker 1
So you chop this pile of onion and put it in a Ziploc bag, and there you have your onions for the week. It’s a time saver, for one thing. And and also it’s a money saver. So I highly recommend having one of these on hand. But green peppers, that sort of thing. Onion, anything. Vegetable that’s chopped tomatoes. I’ve done tomatoes in this, so I would do you can get them.
00:04:18:42 – 00:04:52:39
Speaker 1
I get mine at Amazon. Okay. 20 bucks, you can get more expensive. But I don’t. And you? This is from Proctor Philips. I like Proctor Silex products because if something goes wrong with it, they’ll replace, like, the blade or or the bowl or the lid. So their proctor selects has always been a good product for that. These are tomatoes and I chopped these by hand.
00:04:53:53 – 00:05:24:50
Speaker 1
Okay. So I’m just going to put that in there, just like that. And then cheese, we’re going to go on to cheese. Now, this is very important in my this cheese in the packets. Okay. Which I have done. It’s like this expensive. Even if you can buy your cheese in a block and grate it yourself. I don’t have my grater here in front of me, but I have a or you just grate your cheese.
00:05:25:06 – 00:06:12:11
Speaker 1
It’s fine. Or more coarse like this. So I it’s like I said, it’s less expensive to do that. So, and I’ve done both, but for expediency sake, I think I bought the pack. So and this is a blend of orange and white Monterey cheddar and some other types of cheese. And usually I just use plain cheddar, but I kind of got a we’ll try this and then we’re going to have more our salsa.
00:06:13:05 – 00:06:46:47
Speaker 1
I always use sauce on that. Just put it that much in there. This is in a jar. I do make my own salsa. But again, I just did this pop jar our tacos. Okay. We’re going to have two different types of tacos here. I’ve got these little handy, dandy little half things that I found at the grocery store the other day.
00:06:46:47 – 00:07:05:32
Speaker 1
It’s like a little pocket. I thought that was kind of cool and they were not that expensive. So I got two of these and then I have the corn hard shell tacos. I’ll put a couple of these out.
00:07:10:22 – 00:07:50:42
Speaker 1
And last but not least, I actually made the little taco bowls. That was a challenge. I’ve never done it before. This is made from cauliflower crusts, tortillas, okay. Because I’m a little gluten sensitive, so I try to do less gluten as much as I can. And then I managed to make one from the flour tortilla trying to get that to stand up as a challenge.
00:07:51:20 – 00:08:28:22
Speaker 1
So that is your little bowls, if you prefer a bowl to having your taco shells. So so that’s that. And I also I almost forgot I do have to chop up some lettuce for the topping. I love these green bags, by the way. If you haven’t used them, get them it. Keep your fresh vegetables a lot fresher. Again, Amazon.
00:08:29:42 – 00:09:12:40
Speaker 1
And they’re not that expensive if you’re not using your and this kind of cut this like this I’m not going to do a lot of the lettuce so I’m off to the side at this bowl out here and I’ll just chop it all up. You can shredded it if you want. Some people like the lettuce shredded, but I just chop it.
00:09:12:40 – 00:09:47:46
Speaker 1
And that’s all she wrote on that and throw that in the bowl. And there you go. And there you have the makings for your tacos or your little bowls or your little. I thought these were cute, so I thought, I’ll try those. So kids love things like this, they just love it. And these are the standing taco shells that they hand out nowadays.
00:09:47:46 – 00:10:43:47
Speaker 1
My husband really likes these on this cutting board, the lettuce, everything, and there you have your makings for your tacos. Perfect. Just juicy enough without being cute. Well, but it was, what, 10 minutes or so on low. So it’s more or less simmered the flavors are all through there. So we’ll put the I’m thinking this over to my island and I’ll just assemble a taco.
00:10:43:47 – 00:11:41:03
Speaker 1
You put again as much in as you want and then you grab a little spoon here, put your onion in onions. Rolling is and I don’t agree with each other, so I put very little onion on mine. And your tomatoes and then just grab a handful of cheese and lettuce if you prefer. And there you have it. And that pretty already to go.